Sunday, August 24, 2008

Garden Tip #1 - Buckets of Fun

I have found children's sand buckets to be a marvelous and very inexpensive garden tool. I have used them to mix potting soil, water individual plants (when you don't want to drag the hose out), and to carry harvested items from the garden whether they be herbs, tomatoes, beans, and more. The small size keeps the weight down - a blessing if you're not built like Charles Atlas. One caveat, the handles can be flimsy so keeping the load light becomes a requirement.

You might not see the purple and green plastic sand pails in a Smith and Hawken or Martha Stewart Living photo spread, but these little buckets are useful and inexpensive. Perhaps there are some already about your house....

Herbs - Oregano, Mountain Mint,
Comfrey, Lemon Balm, Sage,
Sang Ye, Raspberry leaf, and Dandelion Leaf


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